Monday, 10 August 2015

'Eternally Turquoise' OPI Review & Everything Blue

'Eternally Turquoise' - O.P.I
Infinite Shine 2 Review

I have been on the hunt for that perfect turquoise nail polish and I absolutely love this one!
This is quite a thick nail polish to apply and you only need one or two coats for full coverage. Plus it has a lovely jelly finish to it as well, which I love and dries within a reasonable time limit. As long as you give it time to dry and apply a top coat, it's quite long lasting. I wore this polish for over a week with no chips and it still look great, only took it off to try a different shade out. Looks fab on your toes too and such a great colour for summer! 

I bought this for £8.45 including p+p from a seller based in London called 'lookingunique'. They also sell O.P.I gel polish and CND products and offer free p+p via ebay and also have a main website you can visit with many more different products including hair products such as 'Kerastase' and GHD plus tanning products. You can find them on ebay at: or on their main website:

Everything Blue

Whilst we are on a blue / turquoise theme, spotted a couple of nail articles in 
July's Scratch magazine that I thought I would share.

Thanks for checking out my blog, hope you enjoyed my little review of another 
O.P.I product x

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